Consulting Arborists stand as the ultimate authorities on trees, offering an unbiased and holistic perspective to clients, guaranteeing the safety, health, and conservation of trees. Catering to a diverse clientele, including property owners, municipalities, contractors, attorneys, insurance specialists, landscape architects, developers, engineers, fellow arborists, and beyond. Trust our Consulting Arborists to deliver unparalleled expertise and guidance for your tree-related needs. Contact us today to leverage our specialized services and safeguard the vitality of your trees.
Consulting Arborists provide the following types of services:
Contract preparation and supervision
Diagnosis of Tree and Landscape Problems
Expert Witness and Litigation
Forensic Investigations
Tree Risk Assessments and Surveys
Insect and Disease Identification and Management
Municipal Ordinance Development
Plant Health Care Programs
Training and Education
Tree, Landscape, and Nursery Appraisals
Tree Management for Arboreta, Golf Courses, and Nurseries
Tree Plant Inventories
Tree Planting Programs
Tree Protection for Construction Projects
A Consulting Arborist Expert Witness should possess the four pillars of what constitutes an effective expert witness, which are knowledge, experience, impartiality, and effective communication. As an expert witness, one would be expected to render an opinion regarding in-depth matters with trees and the ability to understand and implement complex theories and formulas involved in the process of tree replacement and site rectification valuations.
These values are typically used in tree trespass legal cases or insurance liability cases for potential judicial monetary awards. The consulting Arborist should possess the ability to explain these concepts to lawyers, judges, and juries in a clear, concise and understandable manner. A Consulting Arborist Expert Witness would also be expected to create reports with the ability to explain the process and methodology used in creating the reports.